Friday, August 13, 2010

Vegetarian Diet | Organic Snacks

List Price: $14.95 Average Rating: The Thrive Diet is a long-term eating plan that will help you develop a lean body, sharp mind, and everlasting energy, whether you-re a professional athlete or simply looking to boost your physical and mental health. Brazier clearly describes why it-s easier for the body to utilize nutrient-rich foods in their natural state than refined, processed foods and how to choose nutritionally-efficient, stress-busting whole foods to maximize energy and health. The Thrive Diet features a 12-week whole foods meal plan, over 100 easy-to-make recipes with raw food options that are free of dairy, gluten, soy, wheat, corn, refined sugar, including exercise-specific recipes for pre-workout snacks, energy gels, sport drinks, and recovery foods, and an easy-to-follow exercise plan that compliments the Thrive Diet program. (I couldn't understand how I could be at the gym everyday for an hour, eat all the right foods and still not lose weight).The trial & The food will keep you nourished and feeling terrific.I loved every page of this book and so will you! The Thrive Diet had just been released when I took the plunge, so I didn't have all of these positive reviews - I just went with the only vegan cookbook directed towards an active lifestyle.The effect that the recipes in this book have had on my life has been overwhelmingly positive. Other foods have inspired me to eat newfound staples such as nutritional yeast, dulse and hemp. While it took an initial investment to get many of the general use ingredients (coconut oil, hemp protein, bags of walnuts, etc) as well as a good spice grinder, food processor and blender, I have found that my monthly food bills have dropped since. This was a hurdle for me as I love eating food, especially some of the recipes in this book! If you have an ulcer, acid reflux disease or both, be VERY careful when increasing the amount of raw food you eat. The best thing to learn from this book is mindful consumption, and if you have a sensitive digestive system, this is� something to be very mindful of.In short, this book has changed my life, mostly for the better. Even if you're just starting out, these will enable you to make the more interesting dishes in the book.*You can generally replace one kind of bean, nut or seed for whatever the recipe calls for if you've only got one kind and don't want to go to the store.*Get a coffee/spice grinder that has a removable blade, such as the Hamilton Beach 80365 Custom Grind Hands-Free Coffee Grinder, Platinum.*Spend at least one day a week preparing some food that's easy to chow for breakfast, lunch and/or dinner. Even one or two thrive diet meals a day will make you feel better.*Eat less total food. I found the best benefits came from eating less food overall and focusing more on eating the fulfilling and nutritious foods as described in the book. Brendan goes into great detail about the benefits of eating a plant based diet and how eating just a little bit better every day can drastically improve our lives.

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