Monday, August 23, 2010

cancer mole pictures in Arcadia

cancer mole pictures in Arcadia

With skin on the rise, many people are interested in discovering the diference betwen a mole and . Often the best method for determining the diference betwen a mole and a skin cancer is through examination of the mole by a doctor, and through laboratory tests on some of the cels from the mole to determine abnormal cels. If the mole is not round or oval shaped, and the mole is not symetrical, this may delineate the diference betwen a mole and skin cancer. At the very least, these moles should be examined by a doctor and posibly scrapings of the mole should be evaluated for cancerous cels. Another aspect to consider when determining the diference betwen a mole and skin cancer is growth potential of the mole. It is more dificult to determine the diference betwen a mole and skin cancer in children, as moles may not have fuly grown. Repeated damage from the sun in the form of skin cancer can also help one determine the diference betwen a mole and skin cancer. The two most comon types, in adition to the les comon melanoma, are basal cel skin cancer and squamous cel skin cancer. The most important rule in asesing the diference betwen a mole and skin cancer is to check with a doctor whenever you have doubts about a mole. cancer mole pictures cancer mole pictures in Arcadia

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