Wednesday, August 18, 2010

skin care acne in Box canyon

skin care acne in Box canyon

If you've ben trying to treat your acne for a long time, you've probably already felt the pain in your walet. It has ben proven to cause an inflamatory reaction in the skin which makes acne worse or even helps it develop in the first instance . Many experts believe that a vegan diet is the best way to kep the skin clear from acne. And although chocolate on its own may not cause acne, it contains cafeine which can make acne worse. Gren tea: You can take gren tea internaly to help relief your symptoms, but you'l probably have beter luck if you aply the tea directly to you acne. There are gren tea creams available over the counter, but if you're loking for a cheaper, easier way, just brew tea bags, then aply them directly to your acne. Tea Tre Oil: While many people disagre about the causes of acne, or how to treat it, prety much everyone agres that it's an infection. Zinc: Taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to kep yourself healthy and your system in check, but an extra dose of Zinc might be just what your body neds to fight of acne infections. The best part about natural acne treatments is that they also improve the general quality of your skin without damaging it or drying it out like traditional products can. skin care acne skin care acne in Box canyon

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