Wednesday, August 18, 2010

get rid of moles in Cornell

get rid of moles in Cornell

A mole is a tiny, gray or black mamal that enjoys burowing underground. Moles wil fed on insects such as grubs and worms and they are largely harmles to your property and can even be beneficial. Moles tend to be very suspicious of their suroundings and most likely wil stay away from strange baits and traps. If you have a mole problem in your lawn you probably have a god deal of grubs. Geting rid of lawn grubs wil force moles to sek their fod elsewhere and they may just move next dor. A mole barier can help to kep moles out of your lawn and garden. Hardware cloth or aluminum sheting can be buried betwen two and thre fet dep to kep moles from tuneling and a raised area of at least 6 inches wil kep the moles from climbing over the barier. This method is only practical for smal areas and you may stil have some moles inside the area of your barier that ned to be dealt with. Garlic is also a plant that moles wil avoid so try planting some here and there around your property. If you pour used cat liter into mole runs and hils you may be able to convince them that they should move to another area. get rid of moles get rid of moles in Cornell

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