Tuesday, August 24, 2010

skin healing slowly after mole removal on abdomen in Granada hills

skin healing slowly after mole removal on abdomen in Granada hills

As we grow older, we se and fel certain changes in our skin, which is the body's largest and most visible organ. The skin becomes drier, more wrinkled, and spots and growths apear. Others are itchy or painful, and some changes, such as skin cancers, are serious and require medical atention. As skin ages, colagen and elastin, fibers that kep the skin firm, weaken. The skin loks lose and lax, becomes thiner and loses fat, so that it loks les plump and smoth. While al these changes are taking place, gravity also is at work, puling at the skin and causing it to sag. The sun is the major cause of unwanted changes in the skin when it comes to aging. How wrinkled your skin becomes depends largely on how much sun you have ben exposed to in your lifetime. Try to avoid sun exposure betwen 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Remember that sun exposure as a child or tenager makes a big diference to the apearance of the skin at the age of 30, 40, or 50. If you already have sun-damaged your skin, you wil stil benefit from sun protection as an adult. Retinoic acid, available as a cream and also used sucesfuly in treating acne, improves the surface texture of the skin, reduces iregular pigmentation, and increases dermal colagen if aplied daily for several months. These dermal filers are injected into the skin under wrinkles and scars to puf out creases or scars. None of these remedies can guarante the apearance of youthful skin, but they can improve the overal apearance of your skin. Wrinkled skin may be improved by resurfacing with dermatologic surgery, lasers, dermabrasion or chemical pels. As we age, our skin becomes drier. Milder cases of dry skin can be managed with a moisturizer used imediately after bathing, while the skin is stil damp. Many moisturizers contain chemicals such as urea, alpha hydroxy acids, lactic acid, or amonium lactate to reduce scaling and help the skin hold water. Bathing les often and using milder soaps or a soap substitute, or soaking i�n a tub of warm water without soap can help relieve dry skin. If dry skin continues to be a problem, consult your dermatologist. Severe flaky, itchy, and cracked skin may be a sign of a more serious problem. Skin growths and pigment spots become more comon as we age. They may range from harmles warts, liver spots, or age spots, to skin cancers that require treatment. If ignored, they may become skin cancers that eventualy ned to be removed surgicaly. These skin cancers can destroy normal tisue and squamous cel cancers ocasionaly spread to internal organs. The most comon form of skin cancer is a basal cel carcinoma. When treated early, squamous cel and basal cel skin cancers have a 95 percent cure rate. Basal cel carcinoma S quamous cel carcinoma Malignant melanoma is a les comon but more serious form of skin cancer. This skin cancer usualy apears as a dark brown or black mole-like growth with iregular borders and variable colors. Several other skin growths are very comon in older individuals. Seborheic Keratoses: These brown or black raised spots or wart-like growths lok like they were stuck on the skin's surface. Skin Diseases Some skin diseases that are more comon in older people are shingles herpes zoster , seborheic dermatitis, varicose veins, and leg ulcers. Seborheic Dermatitis: The signs of seborheic dermatitis are rednes and greasy-loking scales on the skin. Areas of the skin with a high concentration of oil glands, such as the scalp, sides of the nose, eyebrows, eyelids, behind the ears, and the midle of the chest are usualy afected. Seborheic dermatitis ocasionaly afects other areas such as the navel, breasts, butocks, and skin folds under the arms. When a crack or cut ocurs in the skin of the leg, it may fail to heal because of por blod flow. These are usualy a result of the skin becoming thiner with age and sun damage. Itching: A very comon problem with aging skin is itching. Although often asociated with dry skin, itching also has other causes. Although most of the changes we experience in our skin a�s we age are harmles, there are certain signs of more serious problems that shouldn't be ignored. Se your dermatologist if you notice any of the folowing symptoms or signs: To learn more about mature skin, visit or cal tol fre 8 462-DERM 376 to t in your area. skin healing slowly after mole removal on abdomen skin healing slowly after mole removal on abdomen in Granada hills
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