Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tuesday & Wednesday...

Tuesday: went to Damon's regular dr appt. He has really high triglycerides & high cholesterol. (To quote him: "I'm so fat, even my fat has fat!") So.....major diet & exercise changes are taking place around our house! According to the dr---his cholesterol/triglycerides require "immediate action" & they started him on a drug called Tricor. Wednesday....Damon had to go in for his scopes (colonoscopy & endoscopy). Outcomes: GERD (Reflux), they'll treat this with meds (Aciphex for now) & hopefully it will improve. The doctor thinks that was what he was feeling on Damon. He said that he does not think Damon has colon cancer. He said that he is testing Damon for 2 diseases. But--we both remember this: the doctor doesnt think Damon has that---but he's testing him for it anyway b/c of Damon's symptomology. My personal opinion: Pamela Anderson & Howard Stern are mega-trash of America, and it is only fitting in my opinion that they get together. Dallas SWAT....Damon & I are big fans of this show. I went to see him & take him some milk yesterday. I've just had my hands full with Damon, so Linda kept Gage for us. I cannot wait to get home & see him & hold him & hug him & kiss him & play with him & sing to him & listen to him "talk". Damon & I sing about we live in a musical or something.... & then we'll leave!

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