Saturday, August 7, 2010

This Is Nothing Short Of Being A Miracle Food – Especially For ...

If you're going to do an Internet search for it after you've read this article, search for dehulled hemp seed, shelled hemp seed, hemp nuts or hemp hearts. Hemp hearts are far more nutritious than even soybean – more on that in a moment – contains more essential fatty acids than any other source, is second only to soybeans in complete protein (but is more digestible in humans), is high in B-vitamins and is 35% dietary fiber. Nutrients, proteins, and fuel Human tissues require nourishment every morning with slow digesting proteins, omega fats and raw, fiber foods containing vitamins and enzymes – essential nutrients – not starch, sugar and blended processed foods. Those who use hemp hearts and other high protein foods to avoid starches are able to control weight by extending the intervals between their meals and snacks – without feeling the symptoms of low blood sugar. Those who use hemp hearts and other foods containing large percentages of slow digesting essential fats – instead of sugar and starch – do not require energy-boosting snacks and can control weight easily. Those who consume hemp hearts will have no problem expelling wastes regularly. Those who consume at least four, but probably five, heaping teaspoons of hemp hearts every morning, preferably with fruit (like berries) and yogurt, notice from the first day that they have enough energy for the entire day, and that they are not hungry again until lunch time. Sedentary individuals should avoid consuming hemp hearts after breakfast or they may have too much energy to sleep later. Here is some more great news and additional nutritional facts about hemp hearts – as if you needed more coaxing to go get a bag right now… For your information, hemp hearts: -Contain more required amino acids (proteins) than milk, meat or eggs. Stay away from Hemp Protein and Hemp Flour. These products are made by grinding the wastes which remain after the valuable oil has been extracted from whole hemp seeds (hearts). We suggest that you eat five tablespoons of hemp hearts on top of a bowl of fruit (blueberries is our favorite) and yogurt for breakfast, because you will then certainly notice that you could easily go without food for many hours, at least till lunch for sure. Those who begin their day with hemp hearts are nutritionally satisfied in a manner that is very unusual – if not amazing.

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