Saturday, August 7, 2010

Post Gastric Bypass Diet

When you leave the hospital after your gastric bypass, your doctor will give you a post gastric bypass diet. This diet was design by specialists in the field of nutrition specifically for your particular type of surgery. However, since your body will not be absorbing as many of the needed , , and other nutrients that it needs to keep functioning properly, you will have to make some very important lifestyle changes, the main ones being diet and exercise. The diet I will be discussing is suggested by many bypass surgeons, however, if your doctor suggests a diet that varies somewhat from this one, always listen to your attending physician. For almost a month your post gastric bypass diet will consist of nothing but liquids and semi liquids. The first day after your operation, your nurse will only bring you clear liquid beverages, such as water, fruit juice or some clear diet sodas. If after 24 hours you seem to be having no problems with the clear liquids, you will then be allowed to start having some semi-liquids added to your diet. Your semi-liquid diet will continue for around three weeks after you leave the hospital. As stated earlier it is very important to stay on course with your post gastric bypass diet until your doctor tells you different. Since your stomach is not large enough to supply your bodies needed nutrients, you diet will need to be supplemented with and proteins for the rest of your life. Your physician will give you written instructions about the diet you need to follow, along with an exact list of what foods are best for you and what foods you should avoid. You do need to remember that diet alone will not achieve your goals.

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