Monday, August 9, 2010

Diet Programs And Meals - The Atkins Diet

Diet Programs And Meals - The Atkins DietDiet Programs And Meals - The Atkins Diet By: Levi ReissThe Atkins Diet is one of the best known diets. It consists of four phases, the induction phase, the ongoing weight loss phase, the pre-maintenance phase, and the lifetime maintenance phase. Pay strict attention to the quantities of all these additional foods and do not add more than 5 grams of glucides to your daily intake.Your consumption of glucides increases by 10 grams weekly throughout the pre-maintenance phase. During this phase you have to add foods one at a time to your diet. Among the principles to follow in the lifetime maintenance phase are: avoid prepared foods (they tend to contain excessive glucides), stay away from sugar, practice sports or exercise a half hour a day, and moderate your caffeine and alcohol consumption.The Atkins Diet is fairly easy to follow, at least if and when you reach the later stages. During these stages many people suffer from constipation due to the lack of fiber and fruits.Here are two sample menus: Menu 1 (Induction phase) Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with nitrate-free bacon and stewed tomatoes. Supper: Lamb chops, braised endives, and cheese.Menu 2 (Ongoing weight loss phase) Breakfast: Fried eggs and creamed salmon. Visit his Italian travel, wine, and food website and his global wine website featuring a weekly review of $10 wines and new sections writing about and tasting organic and kosher wines.Article From Article Storehouse

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