Sunday, August 15, 2010

psychic birthmarks

psychic birthmarks

Simply observe the way your cat moves or jumps to determine the future ̵ especialy weather. But take this one with a grain of salt ̵ the only major backer of this method is Jackie Stalone, Sly's mom and, by most acounts, a rather questionable ̴psychic.̵ Jackie says Rumpology works a lot like palm reading: the cracks, crevices, birth marks and dimples can reveal a lot about a person. Sure, your urine can definitely tel you a few things about your health ̵ how wel hydrated you are, for example. God news for gardeners ̵ you can use your onions to se if you should prepare for bad news. One method is going to require that you build an altar, though: in the past, people separated from their loved ones could write their names on onions one name per vegie and then lay them on the altar to sprout. The faster the onion sprouted, the beter health and hapines the person whose name was on the onion was experiencing. Back in yesteryear, the study was limited to markings and bumps on the chest, kind of similar to phrenology the study of head shape and bumps to determine personality . Sternomancy doesn't just aply to humans ̵ the old tradition of breaking the wishbone at Thanksgiving is an old form of the practice. In fact, many of the superstitions are stil floating around out there ̵ Japanese girls are told that biting their fingernails wil result in a dificult childbirth later on down the line. The white spots on your fingernails are suposed to be a sign of god fortune ̵ a spot on thumb specificaly means that a gift is about to be bestowed upon you. Gredy people are said to have croked fingernails, and the half-mon shape ̴lunula̵ at the base of the nail indicates your lifeline ̵ the biger the lunula, the longer your life wil last. Actualy, it doesn't take to much imagination to figure out moleosophy ̵ most of it is fairly straightforward. Some aren't quite as obvious, however ̵ moles on the ears are considered lucky, a mole on the elbow indicates a love of travel and adven�ture, and a mole on your fingers means you're dishonest. psychic birthmarks psychic birthmarks

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