Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Eliminate Food Cravings | Healthy Times Newspaper Archives

Eliminate Food CravingsEliminate Food Cravings By: Healthy TimesBy Carolyn Schropp, BS, NC, functional nutritional consultant and educator Food cravings are thought to be a preference for certain kinds of foods at certain times. The most common causes of food cravings are low blood sugar and blood-sugar imbalances. When blood sugar is low, exhaustion occurs and the brain signals the body that it needs energy. That signal prompts cravings for simple carbohydrates (simple sugars). This is an example of the body having its signals mixed up because it creates cravings for unhealthy sugars and carbs to try satisfying a deficiency. Blood sugar imbalances occur with over-consumption of simple carbohydrates that produce food and beverage cravings, mood swings and water retention. Cravings for sugar and simple carbohydrates develop because they produce a burst of serotonin that makes us feel good for a short time, but then serotonin levels drop again. Insulin's function is to help maintain stable blood sugar by telling cells to absorb more glucose from the bloodstream when sugar levels in the blood become too high. Because the body is storing energy in the form of fat, it is not getting its daily energy requirements, so it continues to signal the brain that it needs more sugar and carbohydrates, which results in continual food cravings. When this happens the body cries out for an energy boost that triggers sugar and carbohydrate cravings. The first step in eliminating food cravings is stabilizing your blood sugar. Skipping meals causes a massive drop in blood sugar that is an invitation for food cravings, binges and overeating. The body overreacts, releases insulin and blood sugar drops too low. Avoid packaged and canned foods because they are heavily processed and contain sugar and salt to enhance flavor. Avoiding trigger foods in high simple fats and sugars is the first step in eliminating cravings.

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