Sunday, August 8, 2010

Does HCG Diet Plan Work? | Article Directory

Does HCG Diet Plan Work?Does HCG Diet Plan Work? Many dieters have reported excellent weight loss results via this diet, losing an average of 0.5 to 1 pound per day. However like many other diet plans, some say that this diet hasn't worked for them.HCG diet was developed by Dr. Albert TW Simeons almost 5 decades ago. By following a 500-calories-per-day diet, hCG dieters can lose weight fast and consistently. Many dieters are able to follow the very low calories diet and take a daily dose of hCG. Many dieters report they feel better than ever after completing this hCG diet protocol.Another selling point of hCG diet protocol is you will not experience hanging or loose skin from a fast weight loss. The reason for a sculpted physique is hCG hormone burns abnormal fat stores with the combination of a very low calorie diet, so dieters lose the fat but not the muscle tone. However, FDA hasn't recommended the use of hCG as weight loss aid, because it contends weight loss from hCG is resulting from the low-calories diet instead of hCG hormone. HCG diet plan is quite safe if dieters follow the protocol exactly.

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