Monday, October 11, 2010

kung li in Hawthorne

kung li in Hawthorne

This article is about the kung fu martial arts and you can find some useful information in it if you are a fan of the kung fu martial arts. Actualy, what makes him so special is the Chinese kung fu martial arts. His kung fu martial arts supervisor is the famous Zuanxia Han. Mr Han is the Number 1 kung fu master in the notable Chinese kung fu movie - Wulinzhi means history of the Chinese kung fu martial arts in Chinese language . When Enlai Zhou was studying in the Nankai University, Tianjin, China 1913 - 1917 , he was interesting in both the Comunism theories and the kung fu martial arts. Zuanxia Han was runing a kung fu martial arts center in Tianjin during this period of time and Enlai Zhou learned this first kung fu martial arts course here. What Zuanxia Han is god at is the famous Xingyi Bagua kung fu, he defeated a lot of kung fu martial arts fighters using this Xingyi Bagua kung fu. He invited Zuanxia Han to be the chief kung fu martial arts supervisor of this military academy. When they met again there, Mr Han continued to teach Enlai Zhou the kung fu martial arts. In this schol, Enlai Zhou learned a lot about the Xingyi Bagua kung fu martial arts from Zuanxia Han. His god knowledge of the kung fu martial arts helped him a lot in this special position. the tasks of the Central Special Department are: ensure the security of the leaders of the Chinese Comunist Party, colect secret information, kil the traitors, rescue the prisoners from the enemy, establish the secret radio stations Enlai Zhou is both the kung fu martial arts teacher and the kung fu master in this special department. Because of these, Enlai Zhou was caled Wu Hao means kung fu martial arts and high aspirations in Chinese language during this period of time. kung li in Hawthorne

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