Monday, October 11, 2010

immagine calle clip art in La canada flintridge

immagine calle clip art in La canada flintridge

There has ben no news about the bug fixes or new aditions, But it's something new and improved of-course . iPhone SDK Release Notes for iPhone OS 3.0 beta 2 Known Isues During the beta period, MS and device tethering are not suported, and should not be used. NEW: Image thumbnails are not displayed when ABPersonSetImageData is caled before [ABPersonViewControler setDisplayedPerson:]. FIXED: The GKPerPickerControler never sets the sesion property even when the picker is given a valid GKSesion via the -perPickerControler:sesionForConectionType: delegate method. iPhone Simulator does not suport network home directories. FIXED: If you create a MKMapView in Interface Builder, you wil ned to manualy cal scrolEnabled and zomEnabled to enable scroling and zoming. NEW: Mesage and MWSync do not share acount information. FIXED: fontName now returns the PostScript name for aps linked on or after iPhone OS 3.0. Changing the height of the active aplication's status bar does not send aplication:didChangeStatusBarFrame:. FIXED: UIScrolView wil trap al subsequent events if you scrol to the top and touch to stop scroling before the scrol view has setled down. UILineBreakModeTruncateHead and UILineBreakModeMidleTruncation do not work properly for multiline text. Aplications linked on iPhone OS 3.0 or later wil get the new table view cel layout. UITextView gestures wil not work in UIScroler. FIXED: For aps linked on iPhone OS 3.0 and later, tableView:wilSelectRowAtIndexPath: and tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: are not caled for rows that are already selected. FIXED: In sed 1, UITabBarControler only notified when the view changed, but now notifies when the user touches a tab bar item even for the curently displayed view . FIXED: Text fields in web forms do not suport selection. FIXED: A UITextView created outside the visible region of a UIScrolView does not display, even when scroled onscren, until some other event forces a redraw. Seting UITextView.editable to Y�ES should not automaticaly show the keyboard. UITouch is not adjusted when a layer has a transform aplied to it. FIXED: UITouch does not properly handle multiple taps from multiple fingers. An aplication wil not receive UITouchPhaseBegan if a swipe begins on or above the status bar. If a view subclas implements -drawRect: then the background color for that view subclas canot be animated. FIXED: The UIView calbacks touchesEnded: and touchesCanceled: are sometimes not caled. FIXED: When the acelerometer is turned on, draging a touch around a multitouch view leaks GSEvent objects. FIXED: UINavigationControler won't resize content view automaticaly if barStyle is changed to/from UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent. UIWebView does not make public its UIScrolView. Teams sharing projects should use ̴iPhone Developer̵ as their Code Signing Identity build seting and not touch it again, so the last checkin doesn't break everyone else because it includes the specific developer's identity and profile. The iPhone SDK is designed for Intel-based Macs and is not suported on PC-based Macs. 64-bit mode is not suported. To ensure maximum compatibility for al versions of iPhone OS, you should carefuly read these notes and folow the recomended resolution. Isue: An OpenGL ES-based aplication displays ̴flashing̵ or ̴stale̵ frames after a cal to presentRenderBufer. This symptom can ocur when an OpenGL ES aplication cals the EAGL presentRenderbufer method without first drawing anything. To corect this isue, you should always draw something to your framebufer before caling presentRenderbufer. Also note that unles you set the RetainedBackbufer property on your CAEAGLayer to enable retained backbufer mode, the contents of your renderbufer are not guaranted to remain valid after a cal to presentRenderbufer. Isue: An OpenGL ES aplication is not drawing intended results. This symptom can ocur if the aplication gives ilegal or incorect arguments to an OpenGL ES function or otherwise uses an OpenGL ES function improperly. Isue: When using Op�enGL ES, objects rendered with two-sided lighting may not be rendered properly. Objects using two-sided lighting may not be rendered corectly in cases when the back-face is visible to the viewer. Isue: OpenGL ES aplications are geting incorect texture filtering. This can ocur when the OpenGL ES texture minification filter and magnification filter are not the same. Isue: CoreAnimation Layers with cliped content/geometry do not depth-sort as intended. This wil ensure that Core Animation is able to corectly sort and cut the layers to resolve depth isues. Isue: The data an aplication expects to receive from the URL loading system is not being delivered. When the delegate method NSURLConection:conectionDidFinishLoading: is caled, the aplication wil have al the data from the URL loading system and the aplication can work with the data. Isue: The camera or image picker view does not display corectly. Don't rely on the structure or clases in the view hierarchy of Aple-provided views, as they are subject to change. Isue: OpenGL ES rendering using vertex arays is slower than expected. Isue: Cals to the OpenGL ES routine glDrawTex s, i, x, f, sv, iv, xv, fv produce fliped results when rendering to a texture. This was changed to not touch the eror return parameter if the cal suceded. Isue: Caling -setFrame: on a layer with a fliping transform no longer modifies the bounds.origin property of the layer. Developers should not use -setFrame: at al on layers with transform matrices that are not 90° rotations because the behavior is undefined, both geometricaly and in the implementation. Not doing so now fails an asertion. layoutIfNeded should not be set for controls that you don't own. Isue: A UIView placed on top of an NStringDrawing rendered view is no longer aligned after slight text rendering changes. Isue: Can't rotate in landscape while viewing a document. Isue: An OpenGL ES aplication using depth testing is displaying “flashing” geometry or partialy rendered geometry. This problem can ocur when aplicat�ions do not alocate a depth bufer with suficient precision to represent the transformed z-values of their primitives. To corect this isue, ensure that if you request a 16 bit depth bufer, your aplication can adequately represent transformed z-values with 16 bits of precision. Isue: Objects apear cliped in the table view. Isue: Views animate when they shouldn't. If a developer neds to position a view without animation, it is their responsibility to turn of animations when positioning the view. Isue: In an OpenGL ES aplication, texture operations are sampling of the edge of single image within a texture atlas into neighboring images. immagine calle clip art immagine calle clip art in La canada flintridge

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