Monday, September 12, 2011

how to shred jeans::You just bought a great new pairs of designer jeans how to shred jeans

how to shred jeans how to shred jeans::You just bought a great new pairs of designer jeans.
They fit perfectly, but are not yet ready to wear on your next big date because they are just too perfect.
Spend a few minutes, and you can transform your jeans into the latest shredded style.
To make shred jeans, you will need: a boxstyle grater, or a microplane choose the correct grater.
Before you can start to shred your jeans, you need to choose the correct grater.
Choose a grater that has middlesized holes, or smaller.
Choose the jeans you want to shred.
I t is probably a good idea not to start with your brandnew jeans the first time you attempt this.
Once you get good at this technique, you can move to your favorite pair of jeans.
Start to shred your jeans.
Once you have chosen the pair of jeans, and the grater you are ready to begin.
Choose where you want you want the shredded look.
It is best to choose areas, like the seat of the jeans, or knees to shred.
But the jeans on an ironing board.
Run the grater, or microplane gently over the area you want to shred.
Start slow, without too much pressure.
If you are getting the effect you want, continue.
You should stop shredding when you have shredded the cloth to the white thread.

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