Thursday, September 29, 2011

carpet get red wine::The more quickly you react to and deal with any spill the higher your odds of completely eliminating it carpet get red wine

carpet get red wine

carpet get red wine

carpet get red wine

carpet get red wine::The more quickly you react to and deal with any spill the higher your odds of completely eliminating it.
The first thing you want to do is extract as much of the wine from your carpet as possible.
With the shop vac you just place the head of the hose over the area and let the vac do the work.
If you are using paper towels you want to place the stack over the area and place a weight over it.
Let it set for at least 20 minutes and replace with a clean stack if necessary and as often as necessary until the spot is nearly dried.
When you have extracted as much as you can you can begin the actual stain treatment.
For this step there are a handful of methods you can select from.
One possibility, as outrageous as it may sound, is to use more wine.
But rather than red you are going to go with white wine.
The white wine will actually help dilute the coloring of the red wine.
This can also be done as part of the first extraction procedure.
Just pour a little white wine over the spot and then extract it with your shop vac.
Club soda is another useful item that can help you with red wine.
The carbonation and salt content assist in lifting the stain from the carpet fibers.
Again you would pour this over the area then extract using the vac.
Salt can also be used to help extraction since it naturally absorbs liquids.
After the initial extraction pour some salt over the area and let it set while you retrieve your stain remover or mix your stain fighting solution.
To treat the area you can use either an over the counter spot cleaner or you may choose to mix your own with some other household items.
To mix your own you can combine one cup of hydrogen peroxide with either one teaspoon of carpet shampoo or mild dish soap.
Apply the solution to the area and blot with a sponge or clean towel.
The second most important part of stain removal is to blot and not to rub.
Never, ever rub a stain.
This will only push the stain further into your carpet and cause an even bigger problem for you.
So the steps would be to apply the solution, blot the area, rinse with water, and then extract.
Simply repeat these steps until the stain is gone.
When you are done cleaning the area remember to give it one final rinse and extraction.
This will keep you from getting residue build up from the cleaning agents.
Take appropriate steps swiftly, and do not rub on the stain.
Keeping in mind these two elements and also sticking with the cleaning procedures should end up in the successful elimination of wine from your carpet.
carpet get red wine::When i worked in t carpet get red wine

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