Wednesday, October 5, 2011

type of carpet cleaners::Here is a deep cleaning checklist so you know that your carpet cleaning technician has performed the proper dirt removal processes type of carpet cleaners

type of carpet cleaners

type of carpet cleaners

type of carpet cleaners

type of carpet cleaners::Here is a deep cleaning checklist so you know that your carpet cleaning technician has performed the proper dirt removal processes.
Some of the dirt may not be visible to the eye, but this checklist will ensure that no filth can even be left for the imagination.
Or to schedule your carpet cleaning online first be sure that your carpet cleaning technician vacuums thoroughly.
Slow vacuuming strokes are a must.
The next item on our carpet deep cleaning checklist is to be sure that your carpet cleaner is using enough prespray to allow the cleaning chemicals to do their job.
As a rule of thumb, 1 gallon of carpet prespray should be used to saturate approximately 160 square feet of carpet.
Any less is not acceptable.
Just like you massage shampoo into your hair when you shower, your technician must agitate the carpet prespray into the carpet.
This is one of the most important steps towards proper soil removal during the deep cleaning process.
Dwell times ranch between 5 and 20 minutes depending on the type of carpet cleaners that the technicians is using.
If your technician starts steam cleaning immediately, stop him and reminded him of the importance of patience.
Here you should be looking for long, slow passes with the carpet cleaning wand, followed by dry passes to expedite drying times.
Make sure your technician gets the corners of your rooms and along the walls.
Many carpet cleaners tend to dismiss carpet an inch or two from the wall.
This will help the carpet dry quicker and also looks more pleasing to the eye than a bunch of drag marks from the carpet cleaners wand.
This is the final step to the deep cleaning checklist.
Follow this deep cleaning checklist and you will be thrilled with you next visit from your carpet cleaner.
Remember that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Let it be known that you know exactly how a carpet should be cleaned and you will accept nothing less.
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type of carpet cleaners::Carpet sweepers were popular before the
introduction of the vacuum cleaner type of carpet cleaners

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