Tuesday, October 4, 2011

ripping up old carpet::Of course that is not tcs but permissive, uninvolved parenting ripping up old carpet

ripping up old carpet

ripping up old carpet

ripping up old carpet

ripping up old carpet::Of course that is not tcs but permissive, uninvolved parenting.
But for those who are unfamiliar with tcs, perhaps it is worth saying something about this again.
I try to make my visit add to their lives rather than detract from them.
I think we all do.
Nor are they born with the knowledge of consentbuilding human institutions like property rights.
So one of the things parents should be doing is helping their children to create these forms of knowledge.
How do children learn?
They will undoubtedly want to learn these things, because they will want to do the right thing and they will not want to wrong people.
Also, they will want their friendships to flourish, not flounder.
So what can we do to help?
Those things just distress me and make me unable to think.
So one of the things tcs parents are always mindful of is the importance of remaining in a good state of mind, a state of mind in which one can think.
This applies equally to parents and children.
The tcs family members are all trying to help one another to stay in a good state of mind and solve problems.
So what no one is doing is using coercion to impose his or her own will on anyone else.
That is distressing and sabotages the thinking going on.
These conversations contain moral content, to be sure, but the expression of the moral content is not through punitive interactions, but pleasant ones.
The child wants to know what is right and what is wrong.
The parents assumes that the child lacks knowledge rather than that the child is fundamentally evil and wanting to do wrong.
If you think it is right to empathise with other people and to be sensitive to their feelings, the most counterproductive thing you can do is to lose empathy for your children.
Think how it feels to you to be thought to be illintentioned by someone you love.
And then of course, there is the issue of fallibility.
Sometimes, in the details, we shall be mistaken.
All we can do is be alert for errors, be open to criticism, and take seriously any disagreement we may have with our children or other loved ones.
It is partly because we might just be mistaken ourselves that it is so important not to dump anger on our loved ones.
ripping up old carpet::All flooring prices are not the same ripping up
old carpet

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