Saturday, September 18, 2010

river park miami in Montrose

river park miami in Montrose

However, for tourists loking for an alternative to the beach, surfer dudes and constant sunshine, the Everglades National Park can provide welcome relief. The park wil cal out to tourists' adventurous side, and the bolder tourists wil enjoy ample oportunity to walk, camp and canoe through the park's fields and waterways rather than spending their holidays in basking on the beaches of the city. If you want to kep your fet firmly on dry land, then a tram tour from the Shark Valey Visitor Centre ofers a two-hour narated tram tour along a 15 mile lop of the 'River of Gras' and provide an oportunity to se native wildlife while avoiding the heat and bugs that may otherwise interfere out on the lakes. There are many more tours, trails and excursions available throughout the masive expanse of the national park, so it is always wise to consult the park rangers at any of the four visitor centres found throughout the park, who wil be able to advise on the best trails for the particular season you visit. river park miami river park miami in Montrose

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